Hi there!
I am recovering very nicely from my clavicle and thumb surgeries on October 23rd.
I am doing rehabilitation work, and I feel that my body will be healed enough to do “real” exercise soon.
What I’ve been doing besides focusing on rest, rehabilitation and healing…
After my accident I had to cancel all session work, and in that space I was able to clearly see that I was resisting the urge from my Core Self to take my work to a higher level. The accident was a “reset” of sorts so that I could see things more clearly.
I had been developing a new program for nearly a year and a half, and I knew that parts of it required one-on-one attention, which meant doing programs with a very small group, at a higher price point.
The time and space I had while I convalesced brought everything into very clear focus. I decided to follow my inspiration to radically up-level my work and help people to transform at the deepest levels possible.
With this crystal clear focus, I created an 8-week intensive transformational program that is focused on helping my clients to overcome anxiety, chronic worry, and depression.
I chose these three labels to focus on something more tangible than, “Transform yourself, heal your deepest wounds and create fulfilling relationships with the power of self-love.” Yes, those are outcomes of this program, but their definition is open to interpretation.
When I look at all of my clients and what I have helped them to overcome through healing and transformation, the most common “diagnosable” patterns I see people come to me with are anxiety, chronic worry and / or depression.
These patterns affect every area of a person’s life, especially intimacy and sense of purpose, which is why so many people feel stuck in unfulfilling relationships and careers, feeling like they’re not living their purpose.
There are many different reasons why these patterns appear in a person’s life, but for EVERY client I have helped transform, the solution to those problems resides in their subconscious mind.
It’s not about ANY outside force, whatever it might be. It’s about working with and healing the imprints, beliefs, wounds, etc that reside in the shadowed areas of the subconscious, outside of a person’s conscious awareness.
Without this critically important, deep inner work, people find themselves feeling unfulfilled, unhappy, overly-stressed, anxious and fearful of what resides in their shadow, and unable to talk about any of it, even to those closest to them.
This results in unfulfilling relationships, feeling alone and isolated, feeling like you have to handle everything in your life all by yourself, feeling like there’s no point to even trying to get better, feeling like a total imposter when people compliment you, and ultimately feeling like life just isn’t worth living.
My focus is on creating massive healing and personal transformation for my clients. Nothing less will suffice, and it doesn’t happen in 2-3 sessions. It takes time, effort and consistency.
That is why my transformational program is 8 weeks of deep, intensive inner-work, meeting online two times per week, with a VERY SMALL group of dedicated individuals who are committed to doing the work necessary for deep transformation.
In order to be as hands-on with my clients as possible, this 8-week transformational program is designed for a MAXIMUM of 8 people, and I do an interview with everyone who is interested to ensure that the program is a good fit for them.
I will open up my calendar for these 45 minute “breakthrough calls” in a couple of weeks, in preparation for the next run of the 8-Week Transformation Program in March.
Keep an eye on your email, my blog and/or my Facebook for an announcement soon.
Much Love,
Cameron Day

This is from a photo shoot in October 2019, just days before the accident
Hi good morning
Have just found your email.
I thought Cameron Day is a actress now I see a Guy
Is there a women with this stuff called CameronDay?
I am 84 years old and not starting anymore diets or anything
I eat now what I want to and what my osteoporosis body needs.
I have been vegan and vegetarian I never touch anything that had eyes.
Cameron you have inspired me so much. From the first time I ran across you on the two articles that you wrote “Why I no longer call myself a light worker” you were the one that really opened my eyes to the truth. I came out of organized religion after 40 years and those articles shed more light than you will ever know. I cant thank you enough. I turn 70 today and this latest article was what I needed to read. I am working on knowing myself and trusting myself in food and many other areas in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart???
Hi Cameron, I first found you when becoming a Gnostic and discovering your articles called “Why I’m no longer a light worker” This changed the way I was addressing Source energy for the better and in that way things continue to improve. I am very interested in your 8 Week Transformation Programme. Unfortunately I am poor at the moment, living off reduced Government benefits. Wanted to ask how much is your 8 week course and is there any concessions for people in financial hardship ? Or perhaps a payment plan to spread the cost ? PS I live in the UK
Good Healing to you, Cameron !! Fantastic work you do !! Keep Going…Hi from Lisbon, Portugal.
Hi Cameron,
Thanks so much for the update. My name is Silvana. I live in Ecuador and have been following your work for a couple of years +. I’m also interested in your new 8-week program. It’s super relevant to today’s issues, for myself and everyone around me. Can’t wait to hear about dates, costs, and payment options. Hope I can participate!
Many blessings in completing your healing and beyond!
Mr. Day,
Just wish to express my continual ‘GRATITUDE’for ALL your healing recordings and Seminars over the last 3 years.
For those of us not quite yet ‘abundant’ enough to afford these exclusive high priced intimate healing sessions, will there be offered recordings of said ‘sessions’ afterword in another format for us who desire to do the work but cannot afford to partake in the current program being offered?!?!?
Hello Cameron. First of all , i wish you a speedy recovery. I just saw the x-rays and it must be tough to go through all of this. I knew someone who was in his mid 40s and broke his leg after being hit by a car. He had to live with the fact of having screws and walking was very painful for him at the beginning. The good news is that, overtime, he eventually overcame all of this and became as “crazy” and healthy as he was before the accident.
Hello Cameron,
Wishing you much love and health. Thank you for the update. Once you are ready for 1-1 again. I’m game.